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Misophonia Group Class for Teens, Virtual, Starting in May: Learn more/Register.
Misophonia In Relationships – Couple’s Coping Skills [WEBINAR]
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Clinicians registering for the directory should be aware of up to date research and understand that treatments like exposure therapy do not work and cause an aversive reaction to sufferers with misophonia. Misophonia clients do not habituate!
Our registration is a lifetime listing and is valid so long as your license is. This is $250 for life and includes updates to your biography as well as discounts on upcoming training, conferences, and all other offerings of The International Misophonia Foundation.
Register here: http://misophoniafoundation.com/product/clinician-membership/
The International Misophonia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We are incorporated in Missouri. Our EIN is 93-2017604 Mailing Address: Amber Liponoga (Secretary) The International Misophonia Foundation 115 Conley Road #1083 Columbia, Missouri 65201 United States