We can’t do this without you!
The International Misophonia Foundation is a newly formed nonprofit in Missouri. We are fully tax deductible. Our EIN is 93-2017604. You can see our goals and projects here. We have a general donation feature to support all mission goals, or specific campaigns to donate based on projects you would prefer to support.
Donate via Amazon Wishlist
Donate via an Amazon Wishlist to give us specific items we need.
Become an On-Going Supporter
Monthly memberships are critical to help us achieve our mission goals.
Monthly receipts can be used as tax deductible receipts in the USA.
Donate via Check
The International Misophonia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We are incorporated in Missouri. Our EIN is 93-2017604
Mailing Address:
Amber Liponoga (Secretary)
The International Misophonia Foundation
115 Conley Road #1083
Columbia, Missouri
United States
If you would like to donate via ACH or Wire Transfer please contact shaylynn@misophoniafoundation.com for details.