Lucia P. Lara, OTR/L has been a practicing Occupational Therapist for 30 years. She is passionate about working with children and families. She is specialized in the field of Pediatrics, with an emphasis on Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism. Lucia has advanced training in multiple therapeutic approaches that address the sensory processing basis to self-regulation. She has been using Therapeutic Listening Program (Vital Links) for the past 15 years, and is a Certified Irlen Screener which addresses challenges with the visual processing system. Lucia completed intensive mentorship with Dr. Lucy Miller at the STAR Center in CO in 2018 and participated in the standardization of the SP3D assessment with Western Psychological Services Publishing in 2019. Lucia is based in Kitsap County, WA. She works with children and their families at the Center for Therapeutic Intervention, and offers consultative services (to include Irlen Screening for all ages) via her practice, LPL Consultation, LLC. Lucia has been instrumental in community outreach and inclusion projects and has given virtual presentations on topics including Irlen Syndrome, sensory tools to access virtual schooling (during the pandemic shut down) and sensory informed care.