Ms. Zakka helps children make mind-body connections to build their self-confidence and inner strength. This allows children and teenagers to succeed in their day to day activities. She has extensive experience working with hundreds of children who struggle in school, are looking to improve efficient movement patterns for sports and/or struggle with Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and attentional issues. Ms. Zakka integrates wellness, strength-based movements and yoga principles as she works with children to help them master their minds and bodies. She helps children develop sensory and body awareness so that they feel less helpless, frustrated, and isolated. Ms. Zakka works also works to advocate for the field of Occupational Therapy. Beyond being a registered and licensed OT, Ms. Zakka is also trained in Core Momentum Method© , and is certified in Handwriting without Tears® as well as Buti® Yoga.
Please note, this service is a “Come-to you” or Online service. Contact about availability.