Donate to Help With Our Mission Goals

Donate to Help With Our Mission Goals

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The International Misophonia Foundation is dedicated to serving the needs of individuals and families impacted by Misophonia through increasing ethical, accurate, and educational resources for researchers, institutions, policy makers, and individuals and families impacted by Misophonia. The International Misophonia Foundation seeks to increase the development of research that respects the needs and dignity of those suffering with Misophonia by facilitating and publishing original research as well as offering institutions and individuals researchers consultation services, publication assistance, funding opportunities, and ethical oversight. The International Misophonia Foundation also seeks to increase awareness and understanding of Misophonia through providing resources to educate sufferers, researchers, clinicians, and the public about how this disorder effects individuals and families as well as best practices for increasing inclusion of individuals and families living with Misophonia.

We are working on numerous projects with misophonia, misokinesia, and sensory processing disorders in mind.

– Facilitating research studies and surveys on misophonia, misokinesia, and sensory processing disorders
– Creating an Independent Review Board (IRB) for misophonia research
– Creating an academic journal for misophonia and developing guidance for editors of this journal
– Providing a web blog and news website that publishes the voices of sufferers of misophonia, their loved ones, clinicians, and researchers at
– Developing a web show for persons with misophonia, loved-ones, researchers and clinicians that is widely accessible and free 
– Providing a Clinician Directory for persons with misophonia to find clinicians
– Creating resources for researchers, clinicians, and sufferers of misophonia
– Contacting developers of operating systems, gaming systems, software, websites, and other technology to advocate for more sensory friendly design
– Planning an in person conference for research / community
– Expanding research goals and filling the gaps in existing misophonia literature
– Developing books and materials related to misophonia
– Consulting with other Misophonia organizatons, researchers and practitioners
– Facilitating and promoting petitions that serve the misophonia/misokinesia/sensory communities 
Providing reviews on products that might be helpful to persons with misophonia 
– Creating and publishing translations of misophonia resources for different populations
– Providing assistive technology for coping with misophonia/misokinesia such as headphones, sensory regulation items, earplugs, and other useful tools for coping