
There is no official “cure” for misophonia, nor is it recognized as a disorder or mental illness. However, clinicians and academic reseachers have been treating misophonia with coping skills approaches for two decades. Clinicians such as mental health professionals, audiologists, MDs, and other practitioners all offer various perspectives on coping with misophonia. The International Misophonia Foundation is also interested in conducting research on coping skills and treatments for misophonia, especially ones to help sufferers deal with the impact of misophonia on their everyday lives. Despite a lack of official “treatment”, misophonia is a condition that impacts numerous individuals and should be taken seriously. The IMF offers clinician trainings, classes for coping with misophonia, teen group classes, education materials and more. It is our hope that the resources for misophonia will grow over time and more novel treatment approaches will become known and thoroughly researched.

The IMF does NOT condone or support exposure therapy for misophonia, nor does the IMF endorse specific treatment types. All coping skills offerings should be considered as ways to help alleviate suffering of individuals, and not considered a “one-size-fits-all” cure. While we believe in hope, we also believe in not having falls promises or misleading information.

Coping Skills Offering from the IMF

Misophonia Class for Clinicians

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Misophonia Group Class for Teens

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Clinician Map

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Misophonia Matters by Shaylynn Hayes-Raymond

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