Goals and Projects

We are working on numerous projects with misophonia, misokinesia, and sensory processing disorders in mind.

– Facilitating research studies and surveys on misophonia, misokinesia, and sensory processing disorders
– Creating an Independent Review Board (IRB) for misophonia research
– Creating an academic journal for misophonia and developing guidance for editors of this journal
– Providing a web blog and news website that publishes the voices of sufferers of misophonia, their loved ones, clinicians, and researchers at www.misophoniainternational.com
– Developing a web show for persons with misophonia, loved-ones, researchers and clinicians that is widely accessible and free 
– Providing a Clinician Directory for persons with misophonia to find clinicians
– Creating resources for researchers, clinicians, and sufferers of misophonia
– Contacting developers of operating systems, gaming systems, software, websites, and other technology to advocate for more sensory friendly design
– Planning an in person conference for research / community
– Expanding research goals and filling the gaps in existing misophonia literature
– Developing books and materials related to misophonia
– Consulting with other Misophonia organizatons, researchers and practitioners
– Facilitating and promoting petitions that serve the misophonia/misokinesia/sensory communities 
Providing reviews on products that might be helpful to persons with misophonia 
– Creating and publishing translations of misophonia resources for different populations
– Providing assistive technology for coping with misophonia/misokinesia such as headphones, sensory regulation items, earplugs, and other useful tools for coping